Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer


The Importance of Board Training for Entrepreneurs

When they are first starting on the journey of entrepreneurship, new businesspeople spend a lot of time thinking about product ideas, market analyses, pricing, branding, and advertising—but the one thing that they often forget to consider is the time they will be spending interacting with boards of directors. The same holds for those who will …

Christian Louboutain Universal Design

The thing about good design is that it transcends borders, genres, and even industries. Quality is quality, and when something is good, everyone knows it. Christian Louboutin has been renowned for years for the impeccable design of his shoes, but when the Cuban Olympic team brought him in to design their uniforms, he was able to demonstrate …

Building New Brands to Fight Racism and Violence

The ongoing race issues in the US surrounding the recent shootings by US police officers of African-American individuals have dominated the news over the past week, and resulted in protests, arrests, and even a few attacks on police by misguided citizens. Innocent people have been killed on both sides, and a schism that has existed …

The Proof Marketing Works

They say the shoemaker never has shoes, but we wanted to turn this into something positive and shift our marketing. Instead, our mantra has become “It must begin with me.” We started this campaign for the Nadine Spencer brand. The first step in building a marketing campaign is to share your story so people can …

What does your personal brand say about you?

In the modern business world, your personal brand is just as important as that of a thriving (or struggling) business. Recruiters and hiring managers will do their due diligence when researching you, it is vital that what they find only reflects positively on you. Many people have no idea what sort of reputation their online …

Why Branding Matters

No one is saying content doesn’t matter. However, when it comes to your overall reputation, it’s hard to argue with the people who will tell you that brand is more important. If you find your professional interests struggling, it is entirely possible that you’re not taking the concept of brand, content, and reputation as seriously …

Humanizing Brands

It’s important to create and build a brand people can relate to, and the best way to do this is to humanize it! A personable brand is one that’s going to build and maintain customer loyalty. Here are a few tips to make your brand more personable: Be funny: Humour is a great way to …