Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer


Easter and Egg in a Glass?

Jamaican culture is full of various traditions, one for anything you can think of.  When a baby get’s a hiccup – put a string with water on his/her forehead.  When someone dies you have to throw a party for nine nights.   And then there are a host of traditions around food. Easter is one of …

Live In The Moment!

This Sunday morning is perfect. I’m in bed, I feel the cool breeze coming through the window, the sun has yet to spread her hot rays across the land, there’s soft music playing in the background (Mona Lisa), and the quiet stillness of the dawn is cathartic. I’m reminded of being in New York or …

Dining at The West Hill Wine Bar with MPP Mitzie Hunter

I recently went to a great restaurant in Scarborough-Guildwood with our new MPP, Mitzie Hunter. The restaurant was a pleasant surprise in a plaza at Manse and Kingston Road. TheWest Hill Wine Bar is an unassuming space, but there is nothing unassuming about the ambiance and decadently delicious food offerings! After a warm and friendly …

The Marriage of Specialty Food and Health Food

We have all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Today, we are increasingly coming to understand that our eating habits are not just a way of satiating our appetite. They are also how we nurture our bodies—and our bodies are not afraid to advertise that fact to the world, like a legacy of …