Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer

Humanizing Brands

It’s important to create and build a brand people can relate to, and the best way to do this is to humanize it! A personable brand is one that’s going to build and maintain customer loyalty. Here are a few tips to make your brand more personable: humanizing-brands

  1. Be funny: Humour is a great way to engage people. It also separates your company from all those other “boring” industries players.
  2. Humanize your team: Staff picnic? Group kayaking? Portray your employees as people your clients would want to get to know and do business with. There must be a reason you like the people you hire—chances are your clients will like them too.
  3. Sign your tweets: If you run a bigger company, your twitter and Facebook posts are probably rather professional, and may come across as rigid. Having the CEO send a message with his or her initials at the end on occasion can convey a sense of relationship and connection.
  4. Talk to your fans and followers: Social networking is a great way to build relationships, and someone who likes you is a lot more likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Follow back, comment and get to know your audience.
  5. Encourage your employees to socialize: Expand your corporate reach and include your employees in your social media strategy. Not only does this give your audience a variety of people to connect with, but it also gives your company the appearance of harmony and cooperation.
  6. Sign your emails: When you send an email, actually sign it—and not just with “Company Name.” Try “John Smith, Company Name” to add a personal touch to your communications.
  7. Write a great “About Us” page: “About Us” pages always rank in the top 5 for number of visitors. People want to get to know you. Have an “About Us” page the makes you and your company seem like one worth knowing.
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