Nadine Spencer

Personal Branding

    Personal Values and Brand Statement Worksheet

    Step 1: Identifying Your Core Values

    Think about what is most important to you in your personal and professional life. Write down three core values that you want to be known for.

    1. Core Value #1:

      Why is this important to you?

    2. Core Value #2:

      Why is this important to you?

    3. Core Value #3:

      Why is this important to you?

    Step 2: Identifying Your Passions and Strengths

    What are you passionate about? What are your strengths? Write down at least two of each.

    1. Passions:

      Passion #1:

      Passion #2:

    2. Strengths:

      Strength #1:

      Strength #2:

    Step 3: Defining Your Unique Value Proposition

    Based on your values, passions, and strengths, what unique value do you bring to the table? Write a few sentences that describe this.

    Step 4: Crafting Your Personal Brand Statement

    Use the formula: [Your Name] + [What You Do] + [Your Unique Value/Impact] to draft your personal brand statement.

    Personal Brand Statement:

    Implementing Your Personal Brand

    Step 1: Aligning Actions with Your Brand

    Reflect on your personal brand statement. Identify one key aspect of your brand and how you will incorporate it into your daily professional life.

    Key Aspect of My Brand:

    Action Plan:

    Describe specific actions you will take to align with this aspect of your brand.


    • Key Aspect: Punctuality

    • Action Plan: Always arrive 5 minutes early to meetings and ensure all deadlines are met with time to spare.

    Step 2: Takeaway for Work Placement

    Identify one concrete takeaway from today’s session that you will implement in your work placement.

    My Takeaway:

    How I Will Implement It:

    Building Your Online Presence

    Step 1: Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

    1. Headline:

      Create a compelling headline that includes keywords relevant to your industry and what you offer.

    2. Example:

      “Creative Graphic Designer Specializing in Brand Identity and Visual Storytelling”

    3. Summary:

      Write a summary that tells your story, highlights your values, passions, and strengths, and includes your personal brand statement.

    4. Example:

      “As a creative graphic designer, I transform ideas into visually stunning designs that captivate and engage audiences. My work is rooted in innovation and creativity, and I am passionate about helping brands tell their unique stories.”

    5. Experience and Skills:

      List your relevant experiences and skills, using keywords that align with your brand.

    Step 2: Engaging on Social Media

    1. Consistency:

      Ensure your messaging and visuals are consistent across all platforms. Use the same profile picture and similar bios.

    2. Content:

      Share content that reflects your brand values and showcases your expertise. This can include articles, posts, videos, and more.

    3. Networking:

      Connect with professionals in your industry, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions.

    Example Activity:
    Post a LinkedIn update about today’s workshop, sharing your personal brand statement and a key takeaway you learned.

    “Just attended a fantastic personal branding workshop! Excited to refine my brand as a [Your Profession] who [Your Unique Value/Impact]. My key takeaway: [Your Takeaway]. #PersonalBranding #ProfessionalDevelopment”

    Be sure to revisit and update your personal brand statement and online profiles regularly to reflect your growth and changes in your career path.