Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer


Volunteering — a Great Way to Learn Executive Leadership

I have always been a big advocate of volunteerism. It is a great way to help the world, do something fulfilling, find work that is satisfying, and meet interesting people. But an additional benefit that is often overlooked is the fact that volunteering can provide you with skills essential to good leadership. After all, volunteering …

Truth or Dare. Lets call a spade a spade!

As a female entrepreneur, I quickly realized the truth about the industry and what was meant by “special” women business and minority programs. Let’s NOT be politically correct for once and call a spade a spade. These programs are run by women and men who have never experienced what it is to be an entrepreneur—no …

Energing Trends in The Global Economy

Speaking at the BBPA conference on “The leading and emerging trends in the global economy? Diversity. In people, product and place (the market)

Resolutions and Marketing Solutions

Market Solutions