Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer

Christian Louboutain Universal Design

The thing about good design is that it transcends borders, genres, and even industries. Quality is quality, and when something is good, everyone knows it. Christian Louboutin has been renowned for years for the impeccable design of his shoes, but when the Cuban Olympic team brought him in to design their uniforms, he was able to demonstrate his ability to apply that design acumen to full outfits as well. And, as expected, the results were fabulous.

When the athletes from Cuba marched in during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, more than a few people stood up and noticed their threads. But this shouldn’t have come as a surprise for anyone. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in—if your aesthetic is pleasing, your style effective, and your design impeccable, it is going to translate in other mediums. And the same is true of marketing and brand development as well. If you or your design team can bring together flawless design elements, it doesn’t matter what medium they are rooted in—the aesthetic will resonate through all levels of media, establishing you as a powerhouse in your industry. But the same is also true in the other direction. Poor logo design is going to translate into poor brand representation across the board, in flyers, social media, and even website design. This is why it is so important to have your design nailed down and perfect before you even think about the various forms of media you will use to share it.

The Olympics ended last week, but that doesn’t mean that we have to forget the lessons we learned from all of the major players. But that doesn’t just include Andre De Grasse,  Michael Phelps, Simone Biles, and Usain Bolt. Take a cue from Christian Louboutin and make sure that you have a design aesthetic that looks just as good on uniforms as it does shoes—or works just as well in print as it does online.