Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer


Wage Gap

One of the many challenges facing women and minorities in the business community is a disparity in pay. This problem actually exists throughout the economy in virtually every industry and sector. Research in 2019 found that women made, on average, 78.6 cents for every dollar that their male counterparts with similar experience and education made …

‘I Live In A House Built By Slaves’ It’s Possible People!

Yesterday, Michelle Obama gave a moving speech at the Democratic National Convention, one of her poignant lines ” I live in a house build by slaves….”  When President Obama became president of the United States, it was indeed a momentous landmark of our times, because not only was the White House built by slaves but …

Represent Women by Recognizing Women

Children and young adults around the world are always taught if they want to be taken seriously they have to “lead by example” and “practice what you preach.” There seems to be a disconnect with that saying as we open the discussion of gender inequality and how women are misrepresented in digital, print and entertainment …