Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer

The Proof Marketing Works

They say the shoemaker never has shoes, but we wanted to turn this into something positive and shift our marketing. Instead, our mantra has become “It must begin with me.” We started this campaign for the Nadine Spencer brand.

The first step in building a marketing campaign is to share your story so people can get to know you. People do business with who they now.

Online, we used Twitter to focus on women’s empowerment crisis management and leadership. Instagram was used to link to professionals. There are a lot of different social media platforms, and the trick is to leverage those that are most efficient for your situation.

Once you’re actively sharing your story, connect with our audience by getting out there. We can only build networks if we get out there. Do you volunteer? Are you active in your community? Find a way to get into the mix and authentically connect with others. At the beginning of the year I decided to meet and have lunch with a new person every month. This is just one of many ways to connect.

To push your brand, you have to be your own brand champion. And if you don’t know how, then hire a brand champion like me!!

I love the expression that if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? My answer is no. Your audience needs to hear that you are leading, empowering, changing the world, and growing world leaders. They need to be motivated to join your cause. Let them get to know you, which leads to relationships building and bonding.

At the beginning of the year, a good friend said, “Nadine, this will be your year.” And so far, it has been. In April, I was the recipient of the Harry Jerome Business Award, and in June I received the Junior League Award of Excellence. I was also honored as one of the 100 Accomplished Canadian Businesswomen, and nominated to be one of the women at the Women’s Summit. Finally, I was nominated by the Brilliant Minded Women’s Organization for the Philanthropist of the Year Award. For me, this was a wonderful honor, as I have dedicated so much of my time an energy to my work with women’s education and uplifting the impoverished.. These awards have helped me to further these very important causes.

My point? You can’t succeed, can’t reach your goals, can’t win awards and use them to further causes unless you put yourself out there. Work to further your life’s goals and mission, and don’t be afraid to get involved!

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