Nadine Spencer


Represent Women by Recognizing Women

Children and young adults around the world are always taught if they want to be taken seriously they have to “lead by example” and “practice what you preach.” There seems to be a disconnect with that saying as we open the discussion of gender inequality and how women are misrepresented in digital, print and entertainment …

Documentary – Miss Representation

I’m excited to announce my involvement with UWI to screen a wonderful documentary called Miss Representation. Miss Representation is a critical analysis of how women are portrayed in today’s media. It addresses the unfair, and sometimes derogatory, way in which women are referred to. It also examines how that portrayal affects young girls growing into …

World is Lagging on Gender Equality

There still are more than 100 countries where there are legal restrictions around the types of jobs women can have, where it’s legal to discriminate against women in hiring or employment, legal to discriminate in pay,” said Hillary Clinton. The Clinton Foundation has enlisted a roster of celebrities, publications, fashion brands and social media sites, …

Christmas Eve @ The Warming Centre with MPP Mitzie Hunter

With all of the commercialism that surrounds the holiday season, it is easy to lose sight of what really matters. But sometimes nature gives us a bit of a wake-up call and helps us remember. This year in Toronto tens of thousands of people are without heat for the holidays due to a major winter …