Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer

Top 5 Cities to do Business In according to Jeaneva

  1. Detroit: the Motor City is rumoured to be on the upswing. Article by the Huffington Post
  2. Austin: if you like warmth, Austin is the place to be. It’s close enough to major Texan cities such as Dallas and Houston to do business with. It also has a growing populations of your, professionals. It’ music and culture scene is highly recommended which makes this southern city one
  3. Ottawa: the “Silicon Valley North” city is growing in terms of technological development. Many tech companies have moved to the Ottawa area which makes it a great opportunity to do business in. There’s also two universities in the Canadian capitol which offers a chance to scoop up the next generation of tech-savvy people. The added bonus of it being the nation’s capitol also means that you could potentially have a chance to rub elbows with foreign delegates and perhaps earn international opportunities.
  4. San Francisco: in close proximity to Silicon Valley, San Fran is still a buzz with fresh and exciting technological advancements. The city also boasts a young and well-educated population, which makes it a great place to start out and grow.
  5. Vancouver: as Canada’s second largest city, Vancouver holds a lot of economic opportunity. It’s scenic views are highly acclaimed, and it’s west-coast location makes flying to major cities like San Francisco, Los Angelas, Beijing, , Mumbai, and vast amounts of other economically strong places feasible.

where you can work and play.
has recently started buying up several properties in the area. Many local companies have also begun offering incentives for educated, young professionals to move into the city core. Not to mention the auto-industry has bounced back, making Detroit one for economic opportunity once again. Plus real-estate is still cheap, so snap up your office and home space while you can!

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