Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer

The Day I Met Alice Walker

There are few moments in life that has profound meaning and impact on the individual.  For me, when I met Alice Walker.

I was at the Summerset Antique show one summer.  After my booth was setup for show each piece displayed with a sophisticted, yet comfortable elegance.  I sat and admired the room, and wished I had a glass of wine to complete the work we had done in pulling off such an exquisite display.

As I sat on the French Louis XVI chaise and looked at the room, I felt a presence.  This woman stood at the entrance of my perfectly designed space and looked at the display, she looked at me, then again looking at the room, this time slowly taking in all the vignettes.

She came over to me and asked if I was the proprietor, actually she did not ask, she said “you are the owner”  I said yes.  That was the only word she uttered, yet she said so much.  She slowly approached me, and just held my hand, giving me gentle firm squeeze.  I think this happened for 20 seconds, it felt like an hour.  It was secure, strong, inspiring, motivating, nurturing, uplifting.  She then gave me a big, proud smile that again said so much. Then she left.

My husband came over after she had left and said “wow that was amazing”, he saw, felt, heard it too.

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