Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer

Power Questions for a Strategically Aware Board

Behind every successful organization is a talented, qualified board full of passionate directors. But even an exemplary group of leaders needs direction at times—touch points with which to unite their efforts

and guide their focus. The following questions can serve as discussion points that lead to improved strategic awareness. Integrate these questions into board meetings in order to inspire discussion, progression and growth.

  • “What’s working here? What’s not working? What do we need to do about it?”
  • “What are we missing?”
  • “How does this help deliver against our vision, and how can we align it more closely?
  • “What are the ‘Yes, but’s?’”
  • “If we couldn’t do it this way, how else might we do it?”
  • Finally, end every meeting with the question “How did we advance our mission today?”

By asking these questions and learning from their answers, we can equip ourselves with the tools to take our respective organizations to the next level of success. Here’s to a healthy, effective board!

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