Nadine Spencer

Nadine Spencer

9 +1 Qualities of Truly Confident People

Whether it is in the business world or in a social setting, truly confident people typically shine the

brightest—accomplishing great things, approaching projects with determination and poise, treating others with respect and attracting a community of like-minded peers. Confidence is key to true success, but is not something that can be faked. We all know people who are cocky and arrogant, but the reality is that those who are truly self-assured do not feel the need to brag or build themselves up in public. They are okay with who they are, and don’t feel the need to be validated externally.

In his article “Nine Qualities of Truly Confident People,” Dharmesh Shah approaches the topic of confidence in a well-articulated and thought out manner, discussing various traits that indicate true confidence (as opposed to bravado and a “pretense of bravery,” which are actually indicators of a low self-esteem). Shah’s list of qualities is admirable and has much to teach us, but I feel it has missed one important attribute of a truly confident person—the desire and willingness to act on behalf of others. Those who are in touch with themselves on a profound level—who truly respect and love themselves for who they are rather than what they have accomplished or what they own—will naturally feel an empathy towards others, and will subconsciously look for opportunities to ask, “What can I do for you?” They will find joy in serving others, not out of a desire for recognition or thanks, but as a sincere manifestation of their love for their fellow man—a love that first starts with an acceptance of themselves as valuable, loveable individuals. Interestingly, this actually works both ways. Not only does true confidence lead to a desire to serve, but unselfish service also tends to build our own self-esteem.

Although confidence and a healthy self-love can manifest in any number of ways, service of others may be the most profound of all. By daily opening ourselves to opportunities to better the lives of others, we can take great strides in becoming the healthy, confident, self-actualized people we secretly long to be.

(To see Dharmeh Shah’s article, please follow this link: )

See 15 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do by Daniel Wallen

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